The Design and Development of a Cloud-Based Intelligent Monitoring System

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Businesses, using cloud computing has benefits. Due to its high profitability and ease of expansion, it is currently used by a number of businesses. Furthermore, business owners and financiers should consider it because of its enhanced security and privacy (Yong, et al., 2012). For small businesses, the cloud has the potential to significantly lower costs. Cloud computing has made collaboration and sharing across industries more cost-effective and efficient. The "pay as you go" option is advantageous to users. Cloud computing offers greater flexibility in staffing and resource scheduling in addition to facilitating faster business transactions.

"Pay as you go" saves money when compared to purchasing a server altogether and lowers waste, according to Kambatomala et al. (2014). The "total cost" of hardware is still declining, but cloud computing and cloud storage are getting cheaper more quickly. " Monitoring development and alerting clients to changes is less work when done with a cloud-based system. As such, it aligns with the distribution of finances and the application of resources.

Thanks to the advancements in cloud computing, "any corporation has access to its own services through the internet" (Armbrust, et al., 2009). Global IT spending in 2016 is expected to be 33.2% allocated to cloud-based services. Today's "real world" of corporations uses a variety of integrated cloud-based technologies (Devasena, 2014).

Article Details

How to Cite
The Design and Development of a Cloud-Based Intelligent Monitoring System. (2024). International Journal of Social Science and Human Research (IJSSHR), 7(01), 125-132.
Author Biographies

LI MIN, PhD. Research Scholar Information Technology. Lincoln University College Malaysia

PhD. Research Scholar Information Technology. Lincoln University College Malaysia

DR. MIDHUNCHAKKARAVARTHY, Professor in Lincoln University College Malaysia

Professor in Lincoln University College Malaysia

How to Cite

The Design and Development of a Cloud-Based Intelligent Monitoring System. (2024). International Journal of Social Science and Human Research (IJSSHR), 7(01), 125-132.